Hire faster with Reach’s specialist talent pooling software. Match candidates to vacancies, save and share searches and segment and organise profiles using a vast array of indexing options.
Match candidates
Talent acquisition begins with a dive into your talent pool for cost-effective hiring.
Segment your search
Tag, categorise and filter your search your way with unlimited search options.
Save & share
Simple collaborative tools allow you to save and share candidate searches with hiring teams.
Stay in touch
Nurture candidates with personalised, automated emails and SMS for an improved candidate experience.
Leverage analytics
Use hiring data to spot skills gaps and identify candidates for upcoming vacancies.
Respect their privacy
Reach’s smart software ensures data compliance and timely database purging.
Track key metrics
Use all your hiring data insights to review your talent pipeline approach.
Measure success
Monitor and review talent pipeline results to refine and optimise your hiring strategy.