Data Insight

Gain actionable insights to refine and optimise your hiring with our advanced data reporting. Visualise your data your way or export with a choice of API or Power BI feeds.

Flexible filtering

Anonymised reporting, custom fields & filters allow for easy interrogation of your analytics. Helping you spot recruitment patterns and inform your hiring strategy.


Get ahead of your to do list with scheduled reports using real time data. If the information’s in our system, you can report on it.


Easy integration for simple exporting – all from the Reach ATS dashboard, our control centre.

Reporting made simple

Build, share and export your data from our ATS dashboard using our practical analytics tools. From simple report builders and scheduling features to DEI reporting and KPI dashboards. Because data reporting shouldn’t be difficult.


API or Power BI, visualise your data your way with our smart ATS analytics reporting.


Smart ATS reporting tools give you complete data oversight, helping you proactively address compliance issues and improve your hiring process.