Five ways an interview management platform can simplify and streamline your recruitment process.
Interview scheduling eating up your team’s time?
Interview management is hugely time consuming. Coordinating internal diaries, assembling interview panels, chasing candidates to find convenient times for interviews… it’s a lot.
But scheduling interviews needn’t be such hard work. Using a fully integrated interview platform, like Reach, can revolutionise your recruitment.
An interview management platform – part of any good quality Applicant Tracking System – will simplify and streamline your recruitment process. With a range of features and personalisation options, investing in a decent ATS can quickly show a ROI, not just financially, but timewise too.
Want to know more? Here’s the top five ways Reach’s interview management platform can help your business.
Simple interview scheduling
Booking interviews using an ATS is a piece of cake. Choose a system that plays nicely with others, and you’ll quickly be up and running. Reach’s interview management platform fully integrates with your existing software, and will happily work alongside Office 365, iCal, and Google calendar, allowing you to schedule interview slots with ease and let candidates and hiring managers sync dates with their own calendars.
Reach ATS also offers schedule clash management for hiring managers and lets candidates self-select convenient interview slots – no more back and forth trying to marry up interviews and availability, it’s all there ready for you.
Online interviews? No problem. Our fully integrated interviewing platform software works with Teams, enabling you to send meeting links and access interviews directly through the ATS.
Enhanced internal collaboration.
Work smarter, not harder. Give your hiring managers access to their dedicated portal and they’ll find everything they need. From CVs and candidate information to interview details, all they need to do is log on. With multiple accesses/logins, you can add as many colleagues as you like, assemble interview panels, and share notes, scores, and feedback.
Want to send a set of standard company interview questions to your recruitment manager? No problem. Upload templates, interview guidance, and procedure notes to the portal ready for them to read at their convenience.
Running a little behind? Our platform also offers prompt notifications to nudge colleagues on outstanding duties and forthcoming interviews, keeping everyone up to date and fully apprised of their required actions.
Elevate your candidate experience.
Take your applicant communications to the next level with fully branded emails and notifications from your Candidate Portal. Our interview management platform allows candidates to self-select convenient interview slots, log in to view comprehensive interview details, and access directions and/or save online interview meeting links to their own calendars.
Candidates can also request and receive feedback through the portal and, if successful, access onboarding and contract details all in one place. Making for a seamless and professional experience throughout the entire application process.
At a glance analytics.
Our interview platform automates every step of the hiring process. And that includes the data too. No more sifting through files, our central dashboard gives your HR team oversight of all job vacancies in one place.
The data-driven dashboard offers a clear breakdown of all ongoing vacancies and applications. With the ability to filter data in multiple ways, for example by department, hiring manager or vacancy, it’s easy to keep track of progress.
With Reach ATS you can create reports, manage tasks and documents, review permissions and keep on top of all your analytics at the click of a button. Not only that, but with all this information at your fingertips (and fully optimised for all platforms) you can access reports wherever you need them, whenever you need them.
Flexible, state of the art technology custom built for you, and only you.
Our ATS software is designed and set up around your business’ unique needs. When you buy Reach ATS we spend time learning about your company, so we can flex our software to fit your needs.
Our smart interview scheduling software works with your recruitment process, so whether it’s one-on-one or panel interviews, multi-round interviews, or specialised sessions such as assessment centre day events or virtual interviews, we’ve got it covered.
Show us your recruitment process and we will build an interview management platform that fits your company. Share standard interview questions, create unique presentation requests, compare applications side by side for those ‘too close to call’ moments and go back over interview notes to provide detailed and personal feedback to all candidates. Reach ATS makes the hard work easy.
So, there you have it, the top five benefits of using a Reach ATS for your interview management. Want to know more? Consider checking out our candidate management software page, which covers interview management and scheduling, and more. Also take a look at our client videos and see just how much more Reach can do for you.
Got a question? Contact us here, we’d love to hear from you.